• Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Health has stated that 18 of 21 children with acute respiratory diseases died after ingesting Dok-1 Max syrup manufactured by Marion Biotech Pvt Ltd, a company based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
  • India’s Health Ministry stated on December 29 that the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) and the FSDA of UP had “immediately on receipt of the information” conducted a joint inspection of the Marion Biotech facility. Samples were sent to the Regional Drug Testing Laboratory in Chandigarh. The results are awaited.
  • In an earlier case, reported from the Gambia in West Africa in October 2022, the children had died allegedly after consuming cough syrup exported by Maiden Pharmaceuticals, based in Sonipat district of Haryana. 
  • The Central government denied any causal connection between the medicine and the deaths.
  • A Gambian parliamentary inquiry report released on December 20 says that Maiden Pharmaceuticals Ltd should be held accountable for exporting the contaminated medicines that were linked to the deaths of at least 70 children in the Gambia.