• The Urdu-Persian word pasmanda roughly translates into “left behind” or “oppressed”. Politicians use it as an umbrella term to refer to 75 to 85 per cent of the non-Ashraf Muslims.
  • The Sachar Committee report had classified Muslims into three categories: Ashrafs (forwards), Ajlafs (OBCs), and Arzals (Dalits). Both Ajlafs and Arzals are beneficiaries of OBC reservation, but Dalit Muslims are pressing for inclusion in the SC list.
  • The BJP has been trying to woo Pasmanda Muslims for some time now; it fielded four candidates from the community in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) elections and organised back-to-back Pasmanda meets in Lucknow, Bareilly, Rampur, and Kanpur in October and November.
  • The opposition contends that the BJP’s outreach to Muslims comes at a time when targeting and vilification of the community are at an all-time high.