The poem

Published : May 04, 2012 00:00 IST

Why am I silent, conceal already too long a time,

What is apparent and has been simulated

in exercises, at the end of which we the survivors

may at best be footnotes.

It is the alleged entitlement for a first strike,

which could extinguish the Iranian people,subjugated by a big mouth anddirected to organised jubilationsbecause one assumesthe making of a nuclear bomb.Alas, why do I restrain myselfto name the name of the other country,where since years although kept secreta growing nuclear potential (is) available,albeit beyond control, because inaccessiblefor any examination?The general silence of this fact,which my silence has subordinated itself to,I feel to be a burdensome lieand as coercion, which promises punishment,soon as it is not complied with;the verdict antisemitism is ready at hand.However, now, that my country,which is confronted with its very own crimeswhich are unique without comparison,again and again and made to answer for,

is about to deliver, routinely and businesslike,

even though with a nimble tongue declared asreparation,

is to supply Israel another submarine, the speciality

of whichis to deliver all-destructive warheadsto where the existenceof a single nuclear bomb is unproven,only proven by the strength of fear,I say, what must be said.But why did i remain silent so far?

Because I was of the opinion, that where i am from,

which is stained with a never removable stain,

forbids me, to dare confronting Israel,

the country I am attached to and want to remain so,

with this fact as an outright spoken truth.Why do I speak now only,aged and with the last ink:The nuclear power Israel endangersthe world's peace, ever so delicate anyhow ?Because it must be said,what already tomorrow could be too late;

also because we as Germans burdened enough

could become suppliers of a crime,which can be foreseen, and why our complicitycould not be made undone by any of the usualevasions.And admitted: I do not remain silent anymore,

because I am weary of the hypocrisy of the West;

moreover, it is hoped,

may many free themselves of the bondage of silence,

demand from the originators of the discernible

dangerthe renunciation of all violence andsimultaneously insist,that an unhindered and permanent controlof Israeli nuclear potentialand of Iranian nuclear facilitiesthrough an international entitywill be permitted by the governments of bothcountries.

Only this way, everybody, Israelis and Palestinians,

even more, all human beings, who live as enemies

next to each other in this region, occupied by

madness,can be helped ultimately us, too.Translated from the German byNorbert Jost in
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