• Dairy production and consumption is not native to India.
  • The Indian strain of tuberculosis comes from the Brucellosis bacteria found in bovines.
  • Abandoned bovines found wandering on the streets could have up to 30 kg of plastic, nails, metal, and other rubbish in their stomachs.
  • It takes 1,062 litres of water to produce one litre of milk.
  • To produce five litres of good quality milk, a cow needs to eat 35 kg of green grass a day.
  • One bovine releases 500 litres of methane gas a day, which is worse than emission from vehicles and industries.
  • A range of interviews with experts, doctors, scientists, and spiritual leaders adds depth to the film. The film is not for the faint-hearted. Its hard-hitting imagery and commentary are meant to jolt the viewer.